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Homeopathic Treatment

Flower Essence Therapy

Subtle and gentle energetic healing for

the emotions, helping us regain our balance.

£45 includes blend Selection Process and Initial Blend. 

Available In Person or via Zoom & Post or via Email & Post (Free Shipping)


See below for booking details

£12 for either a Repeat Blend, Chakra Blend or Super 7 Blend (order directly in the shop)


Flower Essence Blends are made with the original Bach Flower Remedies as discovered by Dr Edward Bach in the 1930's. They are subtle and gentle energetic healing for the mind and emotions individually tailored to you.

What to Expect...

Putting my own spin on the original selection process I have created a "Choices Booklet" for you to complete indicating in Part 1 how you are feeling right now. Then in Part 2 how you want to feel going forward. 

Using my knowledge of the essences and the choices you have made from Parts 1 and 2,  I select up to seven essences, as indicated. Some essences heal different aspects of the same emotion or feeling, so I may clarify with you exactly which aspect is presenting so that the correct essence is selected.

For email the booklet is sent to you containing full instructions. Once completed it's returned to me and I will create your blend and post it out to you, complete with instructions for use. 

For In Person the booklet is completed and reviewed by me at the session and clarified if required. I will then make your blend for you to take away with you, complete with instructions for use.

​After 2 weeks I will reach out by email just to see how things are going.

The Chakra Range are ready made blends and support and enhance work with a particular Chakra either during meditation or through journaling or in what ever way feels right for you.


The Super 7 Range are ready made blends and based on the original 7 categories of emotions that Dr Edward Bach identified when first discovering Bach Flower Remedies  By creating subtle and gentle shifts in the emotions they can initiate the positive change you want to see in your life.

If you'd like to chat about Flower Essence Therapy, what it offers and if it's for you, then please do get in touch either by email or the Get In Touch form . 


To Book 

For In Person only contact me directly on 07582285070.

For Zoom/Post or Email/Post: Click Shop and once I receive your order I will email you with everything you need.

For Individual/Repeat Blends: Click Shop and once I receive your order I will post directly to you.

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