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Past Life Regression

A journey into the past to heal the present

£45  In Person or Zoom Session

See Below for How to Book

Recording or Transcript Provided


What to expect:

The session begins with establishing what you would like the outcome to be from the process

and any concerns you may have. Then, using techniques including hypnosis, visualisation and guided meditation I will take you into a state of deep relaxation, where you will be aware of everything happening and be able to respond to questions and narrate your experience.


Why Past Life Regression?

Past Life Regression helps you connect you with your past, where you can access memories that can help you now. Perhaps you would like to make sense of a current situation, discover the dynamics around a particular relationship, or heal past pain and hurts. Or is there a feeling you just can't shake and have no idea where it's come from? It can also help you to : 


Gain insights into your life direction and purpose.

Discover the origins of emotions like anxiety, or fears and phobias - heal the past to heal the present. 

See if people in your life currently were in your life previously and what that means

·        Connect with a happy successful past life, providing inspiration and motivation now.


Once the session has concluded I will then bring you gently back to the present time, your awareness focused in the room and on your surroundings. You'll be feeling fresh and have new insights and information to move forward or create positive change now. Or maybe you return with a better understanding and awareness of you and your life.


If you'd like to chat about Past Life Progression what it offers and if it's for you, then please do get in touch either by email or the Get in Touch form . 


To Book 

For In Person sessions only contact me directly on 07582285070.

For Zoom sessions Click Shop and once I receive your order I will contact you to make the arrangements.

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