Dream Analysis
Journey into the Subconscious
£15 Per Dream
Discount for series of Dreams
See below for how to order
Dream Analysis is a fascinating journey into the subconscious mind, that can help you gain a better understanding of yourself. The analysis of key dream components can reveal what you are processing on a subconscious level and indicate through emerging patterns any ongoing issues you may be experiencing.
The key benefits include:
Greater Self Awareness and Insights
The synchronisation of the conscious and unconscious mind - creating balance.
It can help to express emotions it may be hard to either access or communicate.
Creativity can be enhanced , dreams are abstract so journaling on them can spark ideas.
Recording your Dreams - Dream Journaling
Keeping a Dream Journal by your bed and recording your dreams as soon as you wake up will allow you to remember more intricate details, the subtler feelings and or sensations in the dream and will help with getting a better analysis. With time you may also start to detect patterns. Why not keep it old school and write in a notebook.
To book
Dream analysis available by email only. Click on shop to purchase and once receive your order I will send you a Dream Analysis template. Complete and return to me and I will supply your analysis, usually within 24 hours, always within 48 hours.